Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections

Perfect Phrases to stand out on the TOEFL-for the more than 800,000 people who take the test

To be accepted into most North American undergraduate and graduate programs, international students must take and pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language. Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections gives you all the phrases and most commonly used words you need to excel on both the writing and speaking sections of the test. Presented in the easy-to-understand Perfect Phrases format, these phrases allow you to effectively communicate and express yourself in standard American English, and to score your very best on the test.

Product details

Author: Roberta Steinberg
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Publication date: 2008
ISBN: 9780071592468
Category: Book
Subcategory: Unknown
Added: August 5, 2011