Free Market Environmentalism

The original edition of this seminal book, published in 1991, introduced the concept of using markets and property rights to protect and improve environmental quality. Since publication, the ideas in this book have been adopted not only by conservative circles but by a wide range of environmental groups. To mention a few examples, Defenders of Wildlife applies the tenets of free market environmentalism to its wolf compensation program; World Wildlife Federation has successfully launched the CAMPFIRE program in southern Africa to reward native villagers who conserve elephants; and the Oregon Water Trust uses water markets to purchase or lease water for salmon and steelhead habitats. This revised edition updates the successful applications of free market environmentalism and adds two new chapters.

Product details

Author: Terry L. Anderson; Donald R. Leal; Terry Lee Anderson
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Publication date: 2001
ISBN: 9780312235031
Category: Book
Subcategory: Paperback
Added: January 12, 2016

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