The First Men on the Moon: The Story of Apollo 11

This book tells the story of Apollo 11 and dispels the myth that NASA faked the moon landings. The story is brought to life by exploiting the flight plan, mission report, in-flight transcripts (including conversations among the crew in the spacecraft that were not transmitted) and post-flight debriefing. It features scans recently produced by NASA of the original Hasselblad film. The final chapters discuss what was learned of the moon rocks, and reviews the follow-on missions. The author's impressive expertise and knowledge of the Moon landings shines through and seamlessly unites the myriad details of the mission.

Product details

Author: David M. Harland
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: Springer New York
Publication date: 2006
ISBN: 9780387341767
Category: Book
Subcategory: Paperback
Added: April 23, 2014

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