Immigrant, Inc: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Driving the New Economy (And How They Will Save the American Worker)

A provocative look at the remarkable contributions of high-skillimmigrant entrepreneurs in America

Both a revelation and a call-to-action, Immigrant, Inc .explores the uncommon skill and drive of America's new immigrantsand their knack for innovation and entrepreneurship. From thetechies who created icons of the new economy-Intel, Google, eBayand Sun Microsystems-to the young engineers tinkering with solarpower and next-generation car batteries, immigrants have proventhemselves to be America's competitive advantage.

With a focus on legal immigrants and their odyssey from homelandto start-up, this unique book

Explores the psyche, cultural nuances, skills, and businessstrategies that help immigrants achieve remarkable success Explains how immigrants will create the American jobs of thefuture-if we let them

Whether you are a CEO, a civic leader, or an entrepreneuryourself, Immigrant, Inc. warns of the peril ofanti-immigrant attitudes and a hostile immigration process. It alsoexplains how any American can tap their "inner immigrant" totransform their lives and their companies.

Written by an immigration lawyer who represents immigrantentrepreneurs and a journalist who specializes in internationalculture, the authors have a front-row seat to this phenomenon,offering a fascinating glimpse into the mindset of the mostpersistent entrepreneurs of the era.

Product details

Author: Richard T. Herman; Robert L. Smith
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication date: 2010
ISBN: 9780470455715
Category: Book
Subcategory: Hardcover
Added: June 18, 2010

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