Politics, Parties, and Elections in America

POLITICS, PARTIES, AND ELECTIONS IN AMERICA, Seventh Edition, is filled with the latest research on what political parties do, how they are organized, how party leaders behave, the functions of political parties and their limitations, the unique features of American political parties, and the impact of political parties within the American political system. It provides balanced, up-to-date coverage of the political parties and the realities of political life. Included in this new edition are discussions about the 2008 nomination contest between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the realities of current campaign finance, the use of technology during campaigns, and more.

Product details

Author: Brian F. Schaffner
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
Publication date: Not Available
ISBN: 9780495899167
Category: Book
Subcategory: Paperback
Added: February 23, 2012

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    U.S. Politics

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