Gender Violence: A Cultural Perspective

Taking an anthropological perspective, this comprehensive bookoffers a highly readable and concise overview of what constitutesgender violence, its social context, and important directions inintervention and reform. Uses stories, personal accounts, case studies and a globalperspective to provide a vivid and engaging portrait of forms ofviolence in gendered relationships Extensively covers many forms of gender violence includingdomestic violence, rape, murder, wartime sexual assault, prison andpolice violence, female genital cutting, dowry murders, femaleinfanticide, ?honor? killings, and sex trafficking Examines major approaches to diminishing gender violence suchas criminalization, batterer retraining programs, and human rightsinterventions Highlights the role of social movements in defining the problemand mobilizing reforms in the US and internationally

Product details

Author: Sally Engle Merry
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date: 2008
ISBN: 9780631223597
Category: Book
Subcategory: Paperback
Added: January 8, 2016

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