Heart of the Order: Baseball Poems

Here is an impressive roster of poets from the past 75 years, including Hall of Famers like Richard Hugo, Irving Feldman, William Matthews, Marianne Moore, Ogden Nash, and May Swenson, and contemporary All-Stars like B.H. Fairchild, Linda Gregerson, Donald Hall, Denis Johnson, Yusef Komunyakaa, Thomas Lux, Gail Mazur, and others. In all, nearly one hundred poets represent the spectrum of verse writing about the National Pastime: from stickball and sandlot games to the Majors, from spectators to scrubs and superstars. They underscore baseball's particular poetic sensibility, capturing its rhythms, culture, and timelessness. Includes a Foreword by Daniel Okrent, acclaimed author (Nine Innings, Last Call, and others), inaugural Public Editor of the New York Times, and inventor of Rotisserie League Baseball, also known as Fantasy Baseball. A very classy collection, excellent poetry and excellent baseball—a perfect gift.

Product details

Author: Gabriel Fried
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Product of: ECA/A/L/M
Publisher: Persea
Publication date: 2014
ISBN: 9780892554355
Category: Book
Subcategory: Paperback
Added: June 23, 2017

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