The New Medical School Preparation and Admissions Guide 4th Edition: New and Updated for Tomorrow's Medical School Applicants and Students

With competition for places in medical schools increasing, the New Medical School Preparation & Admissions Guide guide offers timely and updated information about all aspects of premedical planning and successful admissions strategies. Includes sections on medical school curricula, current admissions policies, the newly revised MCAT, interview strategies, scholastic and personal qualities medical schools are looking for, minority admissions, the kinds of medical schools you're most likely to be admitted to based on qualifications, alternate health careers, and much more. Dr. Goliszek not only explains everything about medical school planning, preparation, and admissions, he describes in detail exactly how to become the ideal candidate that every medical program is looking for.

Product details

Author: Andrew Goliszek
Language: English
Publisher: Not Available
Publication date: Not Available
Product code: 9780961647599
Category: Book
Added: July 12, 2023

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