Creating Data Literate Students

Creating Data Literate Students provides high school librarians and educators

with foundational domain knowledge to teach a new subset of information

literacy skills — data and statistical literacy, including: statistics and data comprehension; data as argument; and data visualization.

Data — both raw and displayed in visualizations — can clarify or confuse,

confirm or deny, persuade or deter. Students often learn that numbers are

objective, though data in the real world is rarely so. In fact, visualized data —

even from authoritative sources — can sometimes be anything but objective.

Librarians and classroom educators need to be as fluent with quantitative

data as they are with text in order to support high schoolers as they engage

with data in formal and informal settings. We asked contributors to this

volume — experts in high school curriculum, information literacy and/or

data literacy — to explore the intersections between data and curriculum

and identify high-impact strategies for demystifying data for educators and

students alike.

Product details

Author: Kristin Fontichiaro (Editor); Jo Angela Oehrli (Editor); Amy Lennex (Editor)
Language: English
Publisher: Not Available
Publication date: Not Available
Product code: 9781607854241
Category: Book
Added: June 23, 2023

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