Still Positive: A Memoir

One Woman's Journey of Advocacy, Faith, and Positivity

"You only have three to five years to live."

On the day she was diagnosed with HIV and thrust from the confines of her suburban mom bubble into the scary and unpredictable world of AIDS, Julie promptly found herself fighting for her life and rights amidst a disease she never imagined would hijack her future.

With three young children, her family began making every effort to create lasting memories while simultaneously managing the debilitating side effects of early meds. They hid her illness for four years, fearing her children would suffer stigma and discrimination often experienced in the early days of the disease.

Her diagnosis began a path of advocacy, faith, and positivity despite her life's detour. Now, Julie advocates for better healthcare outcomes for women through the personal stories and reflections from her life. Her health journey creates space for those walking through their own family or medical crises to be seen and supported.

"Some books tell you what to do or offer an outline for life... this book does not do that. The stories that make up Still Positive offered something different and impactful. ... I couldn't put it down." - Danielle Eylander, Early Reader

Product details

Author: Julie Lewis; Jenny Koenig
Language: English
Publisher: Not Available
Publication date: Not Available
Product code: 9781611534924
Category: Book
Added: October 12, 2023

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