Journey to the New World, A

From the diary of twelve-year-old Mem, short for Remember, comes the story of her family's trip on the Mayflower in 1620 and their first year in the New World. As one of 34 children among the 102 people on board the small cargo ship that was unfit for human transport, Mem relied on her sense of humor and her hopes for a better future to get her through the two months of horrible conditions on the journey, and the disappointments and hardships the endured after their arrival. The courage and determination of the Pilgrims as they survive their ordeal shines through in this inspiring account of a crucial period of American history.

Product details

Author: Lasky, KathrynKathryn Lasky
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: Live Oak Media
Publication date: Not Available
ISBN: 9781615748143
Category: Book
Subcategory: Audio
Genre: Playaway
Added: June 18, 2014