
In Demand, Adrian Slywotzky provides a radically new way to think about demand, with a big idea and a host of practical applications-not just for people in business but also for social activists, government leaders, non-profit managers, and other would-be innovators. To succeed in their various missions, all these groups need to master such ground-breaking concepts as the hassle map (and the secrets of fixing it); the curse of the incomplete product (and how to avoid it); why "very good" does not equal "magnetic"; how what you don't see can make or break a product; the art of transforming fence sitters into customers; why there's no such thing as an average customer; and why real demand comes from a 45-degree angle of improvement (rather than the five degrees most organizations manage).

Product details

Author: Adrian J. Slywotzky
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: Highbridge Co
Publication date: 2012
ISBN: 9781615878550
Category: Book
Subcategory: Audio
Genre: Playaway
Added: August 6, 2013

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