The Essential College Admissions Handbook: Your Stress-Free Path to College Acceptances

The college admissions process can be stressful, overwhelming, and cumbersome. Where should you start? How can you get involved in meaningful extracurricular activities? How do you identify your best-fit colleges? How do you write a compelling essay? How can you stand out from other applicants? And how can you accomplish all of this, while keeping your sanity? We are here to help! THE ESSENTIAL COLLEGE ADMISSIONS HANDBOOK is the first college planning book you should read! This easy-to-follow book offers clear and practical advice to guide you through the competitive and complex world of college admissions. Our approach and strategies will enable you to stay focused, motivated, and on track to meet your goals. The result? Anxiety is reduced, milestones are met, and applications are cohesive and reflect your unique story. From freshman year to senior year, from early planning to college acceptances, THE ESSENTIAL COLLEGE ADMISSIONS HANDBOOK will help you navigate the college admissions process. By following our step-by-step guidelines, you will stay on the path toward finding colleges that are best suited to meet your individual needs; colleges that will provide an environment that fosters your educational, social, and personal growth. Our proven strategies will lead to college acceptances. This is an exciting time; so enjoy the journey and celebrate your accomplishments. Now, take a deep breath and let's get started!

Product details

Author: Shari Kramer; Lisa Guss
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: Not Available
Publication date: Not Available
ISBN: 9781793436122
Category: Book
Subcategory: Paperback
Added: February 20, 2020