Cooperative Learning and Teaching

In and out of the classroom, life would be unthinkable without interacting with fellow humans. This book urges more cooperative and group activities in the English language classroom for all the advantages: students use the target language more, help each other with comprehension, receive attention from peers as well as the teacher, are motivated by group support, learn collaborative skills that transfer to life, and get to work with people different from themselves. The book also provides guidelines for problems that may arise when teachers do group activities, principles for interaction and bonding in the English language classroom , and some easy activities to implement in your classroom today!

Product details

Author: G. M. Jacobs; H. Kimura
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: TESOL International Association
Publication date: 2013
ISBN: 9781942223085
Category: Book
Subcategory: Paperback
Added: July 2, 2019

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