Roaming America

"I strongly believe life is meant to be experienced, not just dreamed about or put aside for another day" - Renee Hahnel "Instagram star Renee Hahnel travels the world of living and dreaming photos while doing so" - Cosmopolitan The tag line on the popular Renee Roaming outdoor adventure, travel, and photography blog is "Let's Get Lost!" What you'll find when you get lost in this book with Renee and Matthew Hahnel is a beautifully photographed, seriously armchair-envy-producing seven month road trip - overland in a camper van - to all 59 US National Parks. The book breathes wanderlust, but it is also bursting with interesting travel and extensive photography tips. The practical fact sheets and Renee's easygoing narration make for an inspiring travel and photography book that rates each park by beauty, accessibility, crowds, facilities, and photogenic landscape. It maps out the best roads, best hiking trails, and best camping spots. A unique guide and invaluable resource in planning a trip to any (or all) of the National Parks. AUTHORS: In 2014, Renee and Matthew Hahnel left Australia to live in the United States, eventually settling in Seattle. They have been travelling around the world and documenting their outdoor adventures on the popular Renee Roaming blog since

2016. Roaming America is their first book. SELLING POINTS:

  • A visually stunning, ultimately practical guide to visiting all 59 United States National Parks, with maps and best-of recommendations, including where and how to take the best photographs
  • The first book by Renee & Matthew Hahnel, the duo behind the popular blog and Instagram account Renee Roaming (321k followers) 280 colour images

Product details

Author: R. & M. Hahnel
Language: English
Vendor: Commercial
Publisher: Lannoo N. V., Uitgeverij
Publication date: 2019
ISBN: 9789401453486
Category: Book
Added: May 28, 2021