914 Products found

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Art of Power (English)

Power is one of the central issues in our lives. From work to personal relationships, the struggle...Added June 18, 2014
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The Breathe and Meditate Collection (English)

Breathe Silencing the mind - By learning how to relax and breathe deeply, we can possess the keys...Added June 18, 2014
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The Sleep and Solace Collection: Sleep; Solace (English)

SleepQuiet your mind and simple listen as naturopathic physician James Rouse guides you through...Added June 18, 2014
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Guided Imagery Program to Heal Trauma (PTSD), A (English)

This audio program provides a series of guided meditations to aid in the healing and recovery from...Added June 18, 2014
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A Meditation to Help You with Chemotherapy (English)

Designed to show chemotherapy in a positive light; reduce aversive side effects, such as fatigue...Added June 18, 2014
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How to Stop Smoking and Stay Stopped for Good (English)

Everyone knows how bad smoking is for them: about half of all regular cigarette smokers will be...Added June 18, 2014
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Chasing Lincoln's Killer: The Search for John Wikes Booth (English)

A fast-paced thriller about the pursuit and capture of John Wilkes Booth: a wild twelve-day chase...Added June 18, 2014
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From Baghdad to America: Life Lessons from a Dog Named Lava (English)

Lieutenant Colonel Jay Kopelman won the hearts of readers with his moving story of adopting an...Added June 18, 2014
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Relieve Anxiety with Medical Hypnosis (English)

Promising news The cause of your anxiety and its antidote are one and the same the mind. With...Added June 18, 2014
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Sleep Better: Acupressure and Gentle Yoga (English)

Over 60 million Americans each year suffer from insomnia, which can lead to serious sleep deficits...Added June 18, 2014