167 Products found

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English in America: A Linguistic History

How a person addresses a group of people can provide insight into who they are. American English...Added June 8, 2017
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The Surveillant State: Big Data, Freedom, and You

Covering everything from the legal framework for surveillance to the structure of the U.S....Added June 8, 2017
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The Science of Energy: Resources and Power Explained

Energy is the engine that fuels civilization. To comprehend the issues surrounding energy...Added June 8, 2017
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An Introduction to Formal Logic

From advertisers trying to separate viewers from their money to politicians trying to get their...Added June 8, 2017
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Becoming a Great Essayist

Discover the keys to unlock potential in essay writing. If one has a clever anecdote, an...Added June 8, 2017
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English Grammar Boot Camp

It takes viewers on an enjoyable exploration of the essential aspects of English grammar. These...Added June 8, 2017
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Building Great Sentences

 Added June 8, 2017
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Turing Points in American History

These 48 lectures by masterful historian and Professor Edward T. O'Donnell offer a different...Added June 8, 2017
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Early American History: Lectures 1-30: Native Americans Through the Forty-Niners

This is a very unusual course in American History. It is taught by nationally recognized Linwood...Added June 8, 2017
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The American Civil War

A Story Without Peer These 48 lectures, taught by leading Civil War historian Professor Gary W....Added June 8, 2017